"The expression “SK” has two meanings in Amateur Radio.
In the world of working CW (Morse Code) “SK” is a prosign or procedural signal (shorthand) for indicating a final transmission in a message or “QSO” (radio contact). A more common meaning of “SK” refers to a Silent Key; a term of respect for a deceased amateur radio operator.
Silent Key is a dignified term going back to wired telegraphy and later adopted in the early days of amateur radio. It was used to honor a CW operator whose key is now “silent” and will not be heard again. This tradition has carried over into modern times when voice, video and data have been added to the amateur radio repertoire. Considering the prosign “SK” as “end of transmission,” the double meaning is very fitting.
On this page, we’re honoring and remembering those members of the North Georgia Tri-State Amateur Radio Club, Inc. who are now Silent Keys."
Godspeed, Paul Colombo
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N4TMW | SK 2019
W7SZR | SK 2021
K5PRE | SK 2022
www.w4ngt.com and it's content is copyright ©2025 | all rights reserved | The North Georgia Tri-State Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
A Georgia non-profit corporation and designated by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt public charity